Remove Brown Spots On The Skin: Help Home Remedies! - Random News


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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Remove Brown Spots On The Skin: Help Home Remedies!

Random News - What helps against brown spots on the skin? Remove skin discoloration and pigmentation with home remedies against brown stains!

Dark spots on the skin can be caused by a number of different causes. The most common cause is strong sun exposure, which causes increased melanin production in the skin, causing the skin (in places) to become darker. Brown spots therefore occur mainly on parts of the body which are strongly exposed to the sun, e.g. In the face, on the back, neck, chest, belly, legs, shoulders and on the hands. The age and stress, vitamin deficiency, pilin infection and liver problems can contribute to the problem. 

Brown Spots On The Skin
Brown Spots On The Skin,

However, there are also brown spots on the skin in children, dogs, or small and large brown spots that appear suddenly after a sundress or even overnight. Fortunately, there are home remedies for brown spots on the skin which can remove age spots, sun spots and pigment spots or lighten them.

Natural remedies to remove brown spots on the skin
Lemon juice brightens brown-stained skin parts naturally

For the removal of dark pigment spots or sun spots on uncovered skin areas, simple lemon juice is particularly suitable as a home remedy. Lemon juice bleaches the skin naturally and at the same time ensures a beautiful complexion.
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Fresh lemon juice is applied directly to the brown patch, e.g. With a cotton ball. Let it work for half an hour, then rinse with water. Apply mornings and evenings over several weeks to get the best results.

For more sensitive skin dilute the lemon juice with water.

As an alternative home remedy for brown spots on the skin, a lemon juice paste made from sugar and lemon juice can be used as a kind of peeling on all brown spots on the body.
Yellow - brown spots on the skin with the home remedy remove yogurt

A slightly less aggressive bleach for dark pigmented spots on the skin is yogurt. It can be used in children or dogs. Natural yogurt is also an easy-to-use natural product on the chest, belly and legs.

Yoghurt is applied directly to the brownish spots and then allowed to dry, then rinse with water.

It is best to leave this brown spot on the skin overnight.

A good possibility is also to mix yogurt with oatmeal and lemon juice to a skin peeling. Apply half an hour to the stains, then rub gently on the skin and then rinse with water.
Onion juice for the natural bleaching of brown spots on the skin

Grandma's old but good home remedy for brown spots is onion juice to make this easy to whiten. Zwieblsaft contains different acids which help brown spots get rid of soon.

A fresh onion is pureed and the juice is pressed through a sieve. Apply this remedy to the brownish patches of skin for half an hour.

Alternatively garlic juice can be used.

When mixed with honey, this home remedy gets a stronger consistency and can stay longer on the skin.
Buttermilk helps against impure skin and stained skin

Buttermilk contains lactic acid, a natural bleaching agent against skin impurities and brown spots.

The buttermilk is simply applied to the brown spots and washed off after 30 minutes. A mixture with lemon juice or tomato juice makes this home remedy even more effective.

Apply once daily.
Remove brown spots with castor oil

Castor oil brightens brown skin spots and age spots quickly.

Castor oil is applied to the brown spots for several hours and then removed with soap.

A mixture of castor oil with vitamin E oil or olive oil is recommended especially for sensitive skin.
Apple-like is used as a home remedy against brown skin spots

Apple-acetic acid contains mild acids, the brown spots, whether on the back, on the leg or on the chest and belly, soon fade.

Apple cider is applied either pure or diluted with some water or honey to the stains.After 30 minutes rinse. Repeat twice daily.
Aloe Vera for beautiful, patch-free skin

Aloe Vera is one of the best home remedies for skin problems and also helps against brown spots which are e.g. After a sundand or simply overnight.

Aloe Vera Gel is simply applied to the spots and allowed to dry. Repeat several times a day until the spots have disappeared.
Sandalwood as a home remedy for brown spots on the skin by fungi infections

Sandalwood oil acts against fungi on the skin which can cause brown spots.

50g Sandalwood powder is mixed with some glycerine and a dash of lemon juice and then applied to the pigment spots on the skin. Allow to dry, then rinse. Repeat weekly.

Another remedy for brown spots on the face or on the back is a mixture of a tablespoon of lemon juice, some vitamin E oil and 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder.

As a quick means, a mixture of olive oil and sandalwood powder has proven to be the best overnight to stick to the stains.
Horseradish helps against dark spots on the chest, abdomen and shoulders

Horseradish removes age spots and summer sprouts on the body as a natural home remedy.

Grated horseradish is applied directly to the skin, removing stains and impure skin reliably. Wash after 30 minutes.

Repeat weekly.
Papaya: brightening enzymes against brown skin spots

A very good remedy for brown spots on the skin is the papaya. This tropical fruit contains a series of enzymes and acids which naturally act against age spots and skin deficiencies, making the skin look fresh and young again.

A piece of papaya is crushed and applied to the brown spots. Rinse with water after half an hour. Repeat in the morning and in the evening.

All home remedies against brown spots on the skin remove these after some time. Realistically one should count on several weeks to months in stubborn cases. During the treatment a sun exposure of the skin should be avoided, and even if the brown skin spots have finally disappeared, a good sun protection should not be forgotten to prevent a new occurrence.

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